Data Warehouse (engleski)
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Introduction to Data warehouse
A data warehouse has been defined as a subject-oriented, integrated, time variant, nonvolatile collection of data that support a company's decision making process. In essence, a data warehouse is a large database organizing operational data in a repository for easy query and analysis. It is a well conceived and well designed environment containing data that are key to an organization's decision making process. By definition, a data warehouse is a large database designed to support the decision making needs of an organization. Many governments and service organizations the implementation of data warehouse to the sense of a large quantity of information they need to work and plan.
Source Systems
Data Stating Area
Presentation servers
Why is security important for a data warehouse?
Many of the basic requirements for security are well-known, and apply equally to a data warehouse, as to any other system: The application must prevent unauthorized users from accessing are modifying data, the applications and underlying data must not be susceptible to data-theft by hackers, the data must be available to the right users at the right time, and the system must keep a record of activities performed by its users. These requirements are perhaps even more important in a data warehouse because by definition a data warehouse contains data consolidated from multiple sources, and thus from the perspective of a malicious individual trying to steal information a data warehouse can be one of the most lucrative targets in an enterprise.
However, beyond these fundamental and obligatory requirements , there are additional scenarios in which a robust security infrastructure can vastly improve the effectiveness or reduce the costs of a data warehouse environment.
Some typical customer scenarios for data warehousing security include:
A company is managing an enterprise data warehouse that will be widely used by many divisions and subsidiaries. That company needs a security infrastructure that ensures that the employees of each division to only be able to view only the data that is relevant to their own division, while also allowing for employees in its corporate offices to view the overall picture.
A company's data warehouses stores personal information. Privacy laws may govern the use of such personal information. The adherence to these privacy laws must be implemented in the data warehouse.
A company sells data from a data warehouse to its clients. Those clients may only view the data to which they have purchased or subscribed; they should never be permitted to see the data of other clients(especially since those other clients may be competitors).
Spatial Data Warehousing
Data warehousing applications are based on high-performance databases that use a client /server architecture to integrate diverse data types in near real time. While data warehouses look at many types and dimensions of data, many are lacking in the spatial, or location, context of the data. Over 80 percent of health care data have some spatial context such as a patient's address, ZIP Code, or provider location. By using technology that integrates this spatial component with the data warehouse, an organization can unlock this hidden potential in their data, allowing them to see hidden relationships and patterns in data, , in essence data mining by geography.



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